I am a military brat—and I say that with great pride. My sisters and I went traipsing all over the world with my father and mother; he, a United States Army colonel; she, the general in charge of our family.
Because we were brats, we grew up in the eye of the storm…
We lived in Yokohama, Japan, just a few years after Japan surrendered and World War II ended. We were in the crowd the day the Emperor of Japan came out in public for the first time ever to show himself to the Japanese people. Before that, the Japanese had thought of their emperor as a god, not a mere human. Those were the days when raising brats was often a shared responsibility between parents and a local nanny. So I answered to General Mom and my Japanese nanny, Kasikosan. To my family, I spoke English; to my nanny, I spoke Japanese. Our first brat adventures, at least that I remember, took place in post-war Japan.
I wasn’t alive when my father went off to World War II, but I felt it when he went off to the Korean War. That was the first time he left us for a year.In that war he was a liaison officer with a Korean Infantry unit, during which he was awarded the Bronze Star.

Returning to the States after two years in Japan. Note the Japanese outfits.
When things heated up between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the late 1950s, we were stationed with the 4th Armored Division at Cooke Barracks in Göppingen, Germany.There we had many grand adventures playing in Nazi bunkers, pillboxes, and bombed-out buildings. For the second time, my sisters and I had a nanny. This time the language was German. But it wasn’t all just fun and games; we also had to come to terms with the constant threat of Soviet tanks up on the Iron Curtain, and our father disappearing again and again when 4th Armored was confronted with Red Alerts. Our own nanny had escaped from East Germany over the Iron Curtain.
In the early 1960s Cuban Americans, assuming they would receive US military support, tried to invade and overthrow the Communist government in Cuba. That is known as the Bay of Pigs.
When it happened, we were stationed with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and because of that invasion my father was gone for a time. The same had happened the year before when an American U2 spy plane got shot down while on a secret mission over Russia.
Then, when the Berlin Wall went up and he was called upon to help resupply Berlin, the colonel left us once again for a whole year. No sooner were we all back together as a family when my father left again; the Cuban Missile Crisis had erupted, bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war.

My sisters and I stationed in Germany
Of course, being brats, that didn’t stop our grand adventures. In fact, when the colonel was gone, we managed some of our best.
We were stationed in Orleans, France, with SHAPE (Strategic Allied Headquarters European Command) when France was confronted with the war in Algeria and at least three attempts on President Charles de Gaulle’s life. For three years I attended a French all-boys Catholic school, joined the French Boy Scouts, and became a French kid.
It’s not surprising that I studied political science, military science, and business in college and graduate school, at Utah State University and Boston University. Years later, while teaching at UCLA, I applied what I had learned studying military science to develop a course called The Nine Principles of War. Many of those principles for successfully fighting wars have found their way into my books.
I was commissioned a second lieutenant in June of 1973. I spent four years on active duty, three of those years were with V Corp in Frankfurt, Germany. Afterward, I was in the reserves for a few years, finally leaving the Army with the rank of captain.
All totaled, I spent twelve years in Europe and two years in Japan, most of them as a brat.
1LT Michael Joseph Lyons up on the Iron Curtain with V Corp in 1975
- For me the Army was great at developing my management skills and also gave me excellent computer science training. I have spent many years since leaving the military as an entrepreneur in the software industry.
Today I live in the Chicago area with my amazingly smart, never predictable, but always fun wife and our two dogs. One of the dogs is a marshmallow of a golden retriever, and the other a wily, in charge mutt the kids rescued from a shelter. And speaking of the kids, our seven grown children continue to be the highlight of our lives. Wherever they now roam throughout the world, the one constant is that sooner or later they all come home, not so much to a place, but to the family.
Today my focus is on writing novels about military brats. The stories are not about my life but fictional characters representing the lives of all military brats and third-culture kids. They celebrate the fascinating, rich, and rewarding life of a brat, while helping other children and young adults glimpse what life is like for kids living in the eye of the storm.
My passion is meeting brats anywhere in the world and talking with them about how to get the most out of the unique way they are being raised. Many will become tomorrow’s greatest globals.
I too am a military brat. Dad was a Major in the USAF and we were stationed in Tachikawa Japan and Greenham Common UK overseas. We were at 3 AFB’s in the States. Dad was also attached to the RAF for a year and we lived and I went to school with the English. It was a culturally enriching experience for me. 14 years of nomadic life before dad retired in Atlanta and I’ve never moved since. 9 schools in 12 years but I did get to go to one high school from beginning to the end. I too am a published novelist and short story writer with 11 published. I married an Army brat but never served myself. I wasn’t interested in that sort of life anymore. It was an interesting life and gave me a world perspective. I wonder when we will have a Brat in the White House?
Being a Brat was the best experience we could have. I find so many people our age and see so many in life that don’t know how to get along with other people outside their little ‘family’. We learned to adapt, to converse and to handle problems that civie kids could never imagine. I remember playing in the blown out buildings around my apartment in Frankfurt 1952-1955. I can still remember the smell from the rice patties in Korea, and the aroma from the little bakery in Fountainebleau, France. I look forward to reading your book(s). If they are good, I’ll pass a recommendation on to my fellow Brats, including my 2 children.
Can’t wait to read your stories. We had a similar path- quite possible that my dad crossed paths with yours, especially during the rescue/ exchange of Francis Gary Powers after he was shot down over Russia. My dad did the exchange…
We were in Saipan, Japan 53-55
Frankfurt, Germany 57-63
Taipei, Taiwan 66-66 ( my dad was in Vietnam)
The house pictures in my website below is a replica of the safe house our family often stayed in, Germany.
We definitely need to talk some time. Especially when it comes to book 3 which involves the Francis Gary Power time in Berlin.
I’m not a Brat but interested!
Frank, I grant you are not a military brat–but I have always figured you could have been. You have the right stuff. Stay tuned. Soon enough this book will finally give birth.
Always a Brat…we had a window to the world! I am a woman, mom, wife, I am a brat. That never goes away, nor do I want it to! Ten homes in 18 years with Kwajalein and Germany standing out strongly as the favs! A Ktown graduate in the bicentennial 1976, that was the life!!
I was privileged to teach at Frankfurt American High School from 1964-70. I will never forget the “brats” I taught. They were and are among the most courageous, generous, and optimistic people I have ever known. I salute all of you, and I send my sincerest congratulations and love. God bless you!
My father worked in Paris in the early sixties to mid sixties and before that in Germany, various places and Battle Monuments, a lonely job like no other. Not all of them were nice, at times a serious struggle. The third culture required early independence, language skills and traveling abilities on your own. Played with German Flak Shells in the 3rd grade. We collected them, removed the powder for pyrotechnics and one of my dutch friends blew part of his ear off.
John, we were in France at the same time. I was in Orleans. And if you haven’t read BRAT and the Kids of Warriors yet, you’ll find those brats fascinated by the Flak shells. The pyrotechnics won’t come into the story till book 3:)
I am a proud Air Force Brat, Navy wife and mother of an Army officer. I loved this book. I feel like it’s the first book I’ve ever read where I could actually relate to the childhood.
I will be sharing this book info with other “Brat” friends!
Thanks Teresa, it means a lot to me that you relate to the story. Another brat told me the other day she was reading it aloud to her kids and it prompted a lot of discussion about what it was like for her growing up. That to made me smile.
Eager to read this book. Have enjoyed the non-fiction Brat’s books in the past few years. I’m an Air Force Brat, three first grades, and who can count up all the other moves?? Have sincerely appreciated our unique life experiences growing up moving, changing schools, making new friends, learning to navigate in our complex world. Attended a Japanese university for my 2nd year of college and then was out of the military experience until way later in the 9oties when some former Brat friends found me and I attended a few reunions. Being connected as an adult after all those years away from brats and military life has proven delightful and satisfying. Have enjoyed this trail of comments.
Margaret, I too spent some time in Japan and loved it. In my case I was pretty young, but it made a big impression. It must have really been something to go to a Japanese University. Do you speak the language?
You have probably already figured this out but you can get the book, BRAT and the kids of Warriors on Amazon, or if you want a signed copy order it from my site at http://www.michaeljosephlyons.com/brat-and-the-kids-of-warriors/
let me know what you think of the story. For me getting feedback is a big deal.
Really enjoyed your book. I am a BRAT, Dad was in the signal corps and became a high ranking army intelligence officer. I was born in Maryland in 1944, where I lived three days. Among the places I lived were Toelle, Utah (1845-46), Yokohama and Tokyo, Japan (1947-1952), Arlington, Virginia (1952-1955), Oberammergau, Germany (1955-1957), Frankfurt, Germany (1957-1959), Arlington, Virginia (1959-1961), Moscow, USSR and Geneva, Switzerland (1961-1962). I went to college in Providence, Rhode Island before going to Francein 1964 where I lived for 32 years as a singer-songwriter and elementary school music teacher. I moved back to the States in 1996 where I have lived (Miami, Florida) ever since. I got my Ph.D. In music education from the University of Miami in 2001. I am currently a visiting scholar (typical title for a BRAT— we are always visiting!) in the Musicology department at the University of Miami. I remember lots of things from your book…it helped explain a lot of things about myself and I couldn’t put it down. Looking forward to your next one!
Roger, thanks so much for your comment on BRAT and the Kids of Warriors. Can’t tell you how much I liked hearing from you. I laughed about (typical title for a BRAT— we are always visiting!). Enjoy the teaching. Long ago I spent 5 years teaching at UCLA and have to say I loved it.
If you compare my brat bio with where you were stationed we definitely have overlap:)
Rest assured I am working hard on book two. Stay tuned.
I was born in the base hospital at Ft. Bragg, NC., spent time in Ft. Lewis, WA, Ft. Knox. KY, Gelnhausen, Germany, and Ft. Knox again. Was in Germany during the Hungarian invasion by Russia. Returned to the States on the Upsher. Finished my tour as an army brat at 12 years old. No metals but a lot of memories.
Tom, what a fabulous way to be a kid. If you get a chance to pick up a copy of BRAT and the Kids of Warriors I think you’ll probably relate. Especially with the first 8 chapters when the brats are on the Upshur.
On Saturday I will be giving a talk this Saturday to a group of Army Brats at Ft. Bragg. Obviously I will be talking about the book, but I also love helping them understand how important all they are getting as brats is to their success in life. I admit to loving today’s brats:)
Hello Michael. Not sure, but you may be the same Mike Lyons who lived in the Glass House at Cooke Barracks in the early 50s. I recall very well the adventures we kids had in and around Kleitz Circle. The village we built in the woods, the cliff just above the Flugplatz where we used to throw rocks, the pillboxes we used to play in back in the woods, the movie theater we used to walk to down the hill and pay 35¢, riding bikes around Kleitz Circle, stealing apples from the farm next to Kleitz (we called the farmer The Greenie). If youre the same Mike Lyons feel free to contact me.
Kendal Duncan
Kendal, how amazing to get this post! Indeed I am your old friend Mike Lyons who lived on the 3rd floor of The Glass House. I remember that you were on the 1st floor of the other stairwell, and then moved up to the circle. What times we had together. As proof it is me I offer this—if my memory serves me right, the shop you and I set up in the village we built in the woods was the gun shop😊.
I really wanted you to read my book, BRAT and the Kids of Warriors. I can’t help thinking you would relate to the story. I would love your feedback. Please remember the story I wrote is fiction. The kids in the story are older than we were, but the setting is actually Cooke Barracks in 1957-58 that corresponds to when we were there. And I have worked hard to keep it historically accurate. You can get a copy of the book on Amazon or give my your address and I’ll send you a copy.
I would love to talk.
Michael, (semi-Kendal experience.?)
Can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading your incoming and outgoing post. Was stationed @ Cooke Barracks with you 3/’58 ’til 8/’59 as Spec. 4 in Dental clinic.
Was very lucky to assist German Dentist Dr. Wolfgang Kussmaul, suspect as v. young lad you didn’t need much dental work….BUT there’s a .v.v. small chance we may
have met or at least seen each other, maybe you came to dentist w/ General Mom…LOVE small world events so will choose to believe we have eye balled each other….makes my day for sure, Bro. Was married lived off base in Rechberghausen ; 1st son born in Mil. Hospital in Stutgartt @ cost $6 total…2nd son in NJ cost $600. I worked for $75/month or $.70/hr. Glad $1=4 marks. Not Brat, but sure enjoyed your info. & my time in Goppingen/Europe. Learning how you & others made the best out of what must have been a very challenging life style. Know couple Brats that married and both refuse to EVER move again. LOL..2-each his own! I’ll recommend your books to them. Will check site time-2-time. God Bless and keep up the great work.
Orrin, how amazing that we were there at the same time. So glad you liked the book. Hopefully the second book in the series will be out next year. Stay tuned.
I read about your book in the Overseas Brats newsletter and immediately ordered it from Amazon. I’m a proud Army Brat–lived in Germany from 1952-56. My dad, then Maj. Harold Bergdale, was first stationed in Stuttgart and then Cooke Barracks! I almost fainted when I saw that was the setting of your story! I recognized so much of the surroundings you describe–the woods were fabulous, and seemingly never-ending. I can picture that cliff, and the ravine, as if I were actually back there. My friends and I practically lived in that woods! I was just 13 when we went back to the states–on the ocean liner S.S. America, first class, from Bremerhaven! Your adventures on the ship were so much like mine as well. Both my parents were seasick most of the trip as were the other kids’ parents; for some reason it didn’t affect us kids that much. When one of us started to feel queasy, we would take the elevator (1) down to the swimming pool–at the bottom of the ship, the movement was much calmer. At that time the Cooke Barracks school just went to 8th grade, and for 9th grade through high school the kids were bussed to boarding school in Heidelburg. I could not wait! Unfortunately, my dad had the option of re-upping or returning to the states, and he chose to go home because he did not want his little girl traipsing around Heidelburg unsupervised. Rats! That’s exactly what I was looking forward to! The lucky kids who got to do that had such great stories when they came home on the weekends! The “glass house” must have been new; we were in the three-story family quarters in buildings that were clustered around the school. You mentioned at one point in the book the road from the family quarters on the hill that went down (and then up again) to the post. One Christmas Eve my parents and I walked to the post for services at the chapel there; walking home it was snowing–huge, soft flakes. There was no wind and it was almost balmy. One of my favorite memories ever. Since I still had friends in Stuttgart my parents let me take the train occasionally to spend the day there with my friends. It amazes me now that our parents let us pretty much run wild–all over the base and in the woods–and we felt safe! Growing up “brat” is absolutely the perfect childhood!
Lorna, what a wonderful reeview. I can so picture your disappointment at not being able to go to the Heidelberg boarding school. It too would have been crushed. I so loved our time at Cooke Barracks. Stay tuned for book two, when the McMasters story continues.
Hi Michael, Would love to chat with you sometime. I am a Navy brat–my father served for 20 years. I was five when he put us on board the USNS Upshur to head for the U.S. from the Philippines while he was deployed on active duty on the U.S.S. Coral Sea. Mother and two sisters (youngest at the time was a toddler in diapers) and I spent several weeks on the ship and my mother and baby sister were both sick the entire time. I have vivid memories of exploring the ship with my sister, who is just under a year younger than me. I remember the abandon ship drills! I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Elle
Elle, forgive me for not responding sooner. I some how lost this great note from you. But I would love to chat some times.How fun was it to be on the USNS Upshur. That is something we share. Email me at Michael@fsxllc.com and we can pick a time to talk.
Loved this book!
My 12 year old grand-daughter did, too.
And is anxious for the sequel !!!
I was the daughter of a Naval Chaplain, during the 1960’s. Our only overseas assignment was in Dunoon, Scotland.
During the “Bay of Pigs” “situation” we were on the East Coast, and he was with the Marines…
I was to little to understand, but was struck by his very calm bravery throughout…
Margaret, so you are not just abrat you are also a PK. Very cool. I remember being stationed at Fort Bragg during the “Bay of Pags” when 82nd went on full alert.
The sequel has taken me much longer that I thought it would, but rest assured I am working on it.
Stay tuned.
Your books brought special memories for me as a brat living in Frankfurt, Germany in 1957-58 before returning to the States for college. My sister and family remained for two more years. Your book brought back so many memories of Frankfurt American High School and life in Germany. I returned in 1965-1968 assigned to V Corps facing the same threat as you describe before going on to Vietnam and than back to civilian life. Just that one year in Germany shaped my future federal government career assigned to England, Turkey and Japan. Looking forward to Book 2.
Kramer, loved your comments. As you could tell from my bio I too served at V Corps HQ. You left there in 68 and I didn’t get there till 74. Like you I learned an amazing amount from serving there. It was a real priviledge.
Sounds like you had a very interesting career!
All the Best.