This is the Master Photo Gallery for the Brat Series. Enjoy!
The first book Brat: Kids of Warriors is fiction. But the historical setting for the book is real. Cooke Barracks, 4th Armored Division, the Flugplatz, the Iron Curtain, the Nazi's, and German American Week were all very real. You might prefer to look at them by subject. Just click on their own unique Photo Galleries.
B-17’s dropping bombs over Germany during WWII
B-17’s dropping bombs over Germany during WWII
Coca-Cola comes to France during WWII
Can’t you just see Col. McHenry introducing Coca-Cola to the patrons at Jean...
The Hohenstaufen
Note the stone quary in the left mid ground, and the village of Hohenstaufen on the...
The Glass House and The Circle
In the book Brat: Kids of Warriors Charlie, Sam and Jayla lived in the far left...