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Posted on Aug 20, 2015 in Cooke Barracks, Photos

Photo from Micky Moore.

Note the sign overhead Cooke Barracks – Headquarters 4th Armored Division


  1. 12-5-2020

    Stationed here Dec 70 right after Christmas. 144th Signal Battalion.

    • 2-2-2021

      I hope you found Cooke Barracks half as great as I did:) Hope you like the story I wrote about it.
      Author, BRAT and the Kids of Warriors.

  2. 2-6-2021

    I too am an Army Brat. My father was stationed at Cooke Barracks 1962-1966. It was amazing. There was a little candy store at the top of the hill near the elementary and middle schools.

    • 2-7-2021

      We all loved that candy store. They got a lot of my car washing money:)

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