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Posted on Apr 11, 2016 in Current News Jack McMasters would have picked up on

Jack McMasters’s brat radar would have activated. In fact every brat across the globe would have gotten the word all military brats were being evacuated from southern Turkey. Jack and Queenie lived too long with the threat of being evacuated from harms way, not to pick up on this article.

US Military Evacuate Civilians And Dependants From Turkey


US government announce huge mass evacuation of military and civilians in Turkey

The U.S. government have ordered an immediate evacuation of families of U.S. diplomats and military personnel in Turkey, following intelligence that suggests ISIS might attack the country. 

The State Department and Pentagon both said that American staffers at the U.S. consulate in Adana, the Incirlik air base, and two other locations must all evacuate immediately.

In a statement, the military’s European Command said the step “allows for the deliberate, safe return of family members from these areas due to continued security concerns in the region.”

The orders cover the Adana consulate, U.S. military dependents in Incirlik, Ismir and Mugla as well as family of U.S. government civilians at Ismir and Mugla. The State Department also restricted official travel to that which it considers “mission critical.”

The move comes amid heightened security concerns throughout Turkey due to the ongoing fight against Islamic State militants in neighboring Syria and Iraq and was accompanied by an updated travel warning advising U.S. citizens of an increased threat of attacks. It also comes as Turkey’s president is set to arrive in Washington to attend President Barack Obama’s nuclear security summit.

“We understand this is disruptive to our military families, but we must keep them safe and ensure the combat effectiveness of our forces to support our strong ally Turkey in the fight against terrorism,” the European Command statement said.

Incirlik is a critical base in the fight by the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State group, and includes strike aircraft, drones and refueling planes.

It was not immediately clear how many family members would be affected in total. The Pentagon said the order would affect about 680 military family members.At the time, military officials said they had recommended the voluntary departure from Incirlik because of specific calls by militants for lone wolf attacks against the air base.

One Comment

  1. 5-9-2016

    During the Cold War all defendants in Europe had to be ready to evacuate at a moments notice. And it looks like that still holds true

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